This aims to articulate the shared intentions, values, and commitments of the Metro Atlanta Arts Collaborative, specifically among member nonprofits, member funders, and our movement partners advocating for increased support for the arts. The principles outlined here serve as the foundation for fostering trust among current members and for welcoming new participants into our community.

Values & Commitments

  • We prioritize deep collaboration and adaptability, striving to co-create within our relationships and community. We are committed to departing from the status quo and equally dedicated to unlearning outdated practices as we are to learning new ones, all in the spirit of experimentation.

  • We recognize the inherent power imbalances between funders and grantees, and sometimes between organizations of different sizes and funders with different levels of resources. We pledge to courageously and with integrity identify and navigate these dynamics together.

  • We believe in championing mutual support over competition, and abundance over scarcity. Together, we aim to create a rising tide that lifts all boats. We embrace the 10 Principles of Community-Centric Fundraising as a guiding framework for reinventing funding practices.

  • We acknowledge that valuable wisdom often arises from those already engaged in this work. Thus, we are committed to peer learning and resource exchange, creating opportunities for experimentation and the sharing of new approaches related to resource mobilization.

  • We are dedicated to ensuring this program remains relevant and responsive to participants' needs. Therefore, we encourage constructive feedback and welcome reflections from all participants.

  • Participation in this program is voluntary. While sharing experiences, projects, and approaches is encouraged, we respect the principles of attribution and confidentiality. Information collected for programming purposes will be shared in aggregate.

  • Recognizing that trust is built at different paces and through various means, we commit to creating diverse spaces and using facilitative practices that accommodate different learning styles and preferences.

Role Clarity & Navigating Potential Conflicts

Purpose Possible is tasked with managing the Collaborative by drafting meeting agendas, facilitating discussions, and providing other various support activities. The Collaborative is a community comprising funders, nonprofit leaders, consultants, government officials, and others, working collectively toward common goals. While nonprofits may interact with potential funders through the Collaborative, such engagements are not guaranteed, and Purpose Possible team members will not broker funding opportunities on behalf of individual participants.

We trust that this clarifies the mission of the Metro Atlanta Arts Collaborative and sets clear expectations for engagement. 

Question? Please contact Laura Hennighausen, Director of Strategic Philanthropy at